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Become an Official

Boxing Manitoba welcomes anyone interested in being an official

To certify you must be:

  1. At least 16 years of age

  2. Attend a level 1 Officials clinic

  3. Register as a member of Boxing Manitoba

  4. Fee is currently covered by Boxing Manitoba

  5. Submit an original and current Police Records Check with your application

  6. Complete your Respect in Sport training (free!)

  7. Pass a provincial child abuse registry check

  8. Relatively fit (it can be quite taxing running around the ring)


Before you can step into the ring as an official or work as a judge, you must attend an officiating clinic. Clinics are generally done on an on-demand basis. Please complete this form to receive information for upcoming training opportunities!

Level 1 - Club Official

  1. Attend a one-day officiating clinic

  2. Perform probationary judging until the chief official is satisfied with your scoring

  3. Once you are registered as an official, you are given a blue passbook. Every bout you judge, referee or supervise has to be recorded in the pass book as it will be evaluated when you are ready to upgrade to the next level.

Level 2 - Regional Official

  1. Must be recommended by the provincial Chief Official

  2. Judge a minimum of 50 bouts and, if applicable referee a minimum of 20 bouts at level 1

  3. Spend a minimum of six to 12 months at Level 1 before being allowed to take a level 2 test of approximately 30 questions based upon the rules as published by Boxing Canada and the International Boxing Association 

  4. Testing can be performed anytime. Evaluation will be performed at any show or tournament by the provincial or national Chief Official

Level 3 - Provincial Official

  1. Must be recommended by the provincial Chief Official.
  2. Must have judged a minimum of 50 bouts and refereed 20 bouts at Level 2
  3. Spent a minimum period of 6 to 12 months at Level 2 before being allowed to take a written Level 3 test comprised of 80 questions based upon the rules as published by Boxing Canada and AIBA
  4. Correctly answer two out of three verbal, practical situation questions.
  5. Evaluation and testing will be performed at a provincial or national tournament by the provincial or national Chief Official.

Level 4 - National Official

  1. Must be recommended by the Provincial Chief Official
  2. Must have spent at least one year at Level 3
  3. Must have attained a mark of at least 80% on a written examination.  This test will generally be done at a provincial or national tournament by the National Chief Official or their delegate.
  4. Refereed and/or judged a minimum of 3 bouts and attained a minimum mark of 80% on the total of his/her practical assessments at testing.
  5. Correctly answer two out of three verbal, practical situation questions

International Boxing Association Judging an Referee

Progression beyond Level IV is based on a rating system and is administered by the International Boxing Association (AIBA).
  1. You must be recommended by the National Chief Official
  2. You must attend an AIBA Referee and Judge Seminar. These are given at larger national and international tournaments, not necessarily in Canada.
  3. You must pass a written exam and be successfully evaluated on your judging and refereeing by an AIBA evaluator at a national level event or tournament.
  4. Please see the AIBA website for more details.

421 – 145 Pacific Avenue
Winnipeg, MB  R3B 2Z6

(204) 925-5658

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